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Prosím - please and you're welcome

Dobry den - hello

Děkuji or děkuju - thanks or thank you

Pivo - beer

čokoláda - chocolate

Ahoj - hello

Ano - yes

Anglitsky - English

That's all I really know this far. But I'm very excited to learn more! It still hasn't fully sunk in that we're all here ABROAD doing a SHOW that people are going to SEE! I'm most aware of our abroad-ness whenever I try to order food and I miserably fail at doling out the correct change. So far, though, most people are very accommodating. The videos are a visual itinerary of traveling from Philadelphia to Prague and some of our first day rehearsing for the fringe! Last night, we performed a snippet of the show for the "Gala" (no one was really fancy but I don't know what else you would call it) and we got to see a few bits from other shows. There's such a wide variety. We're definitely the youngest group here which can feel a little odd but we're gonna use it to our advantage tonight when we take over the Fringe Club. Check out our snapchat to get a peek of us DJing and dancing in our overalls! edisonisalie!

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