A Love Letter
A Love Letter To The Cast and Creative Team of Edison,
Tonight, I sit in my cute little Airb&b (thank you Bryan) feeling so very proud. Making theatre is HARD... Like really, really f**king hard. It is one of the few art forms where each unique personality in the room is a part of the giant puzzle, that is "the process". There have been days working on "Edison" where I have wanted to curl up in a ball and cry and eat cheese fries and quit. I did cry and eat cheese fries once or twice to regulate, sure. But theatre artists don't quit, because we are relentless in the pursuit of telling stories that need to be heard. And that is why it is so hard sometimes. Because we care SO MUCH. We have spent hours upon hours the past few days in Prague inside, rehearsing in odd, hot rooms. Rehearsing in public parks. Battling jet lag, exhaustion, personal disappointment, and strep (that's me. I have strep). We do this because we are story tellers hellbent on telling stories with purpose and clarity.
We opened our show tonight. It was terrifying and bumpy at times, but also so incredibly full of joy. And tomorrow, we rehearse again because the work is never done. This is just the beginning, my beautiful friends. We have so much to be proud of. So much to be thankful for and I can't wait to continue to untangle this story with you all over the next few months.
See you at 10 am tomorrow morning for rehearsal.
All of the love,