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Sunday In The Park With Prague

Day Three in Prague! Third rehearsal, third rehearsal space... We got great work done today!

Prague is beautiful. I personally haven't had much time to explore the city, but the glimpses of the castle from the tram window, the architecture of the buildings as we snag lattés and paninis on break, even the intricately patterned cobblestone sidewalks and streets are beautiful.

It's interesting to get to know a city by working in it; it's something fellow actor Nina and I have discussed. And, there will be time for more exploring after the show goes up and some anxiety subsides. But so far, the experience has consisted of grocery shopping, and learning lines in cafés and on park benches, and shuffling 2 keys for our AirBnB between 8 residents. And it is beyond exciting. And also quite exhausting!

Today, we had Fringe Sunday, where each show had one minute to perform a preview! It was very cool to see everyone's "pitches" for their shows. It was amazing to be in a room with other artists representing 50 different plays and musicals and cabarets and poetry readings and stand-up routines. I cannot wait to see what the rest of this festival holds!

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